K Tape

Kinesiology Tape

At Osteopathic Works our practitioners may use kinesiology taping in conjunction with other Osteopathic techniques. We find this taping method beneficial for a number of our patients by providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion. Applied either directly over an affected joint or muscle group or around its borders, K-tape has been proven to have positive physiological effects on the skin, lymphatic and circulatory system, fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. It targets different receptors within the somatosensory system, alleviating pain and facilitating lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin.

Unlike rigid tapes that completely immobilise injured areas, k-tape provides support and pain relief while still allowing a natural, safe range of motion. This allows athletes to participate fully in rehab and/or continue training and competing as they recover from overuse or injuries.

Please consult with your Osteopath is you think this method could benefit you.



  • Pain relief – Its elasticity lifts the skin slightly, which immediately reduces pressure on sensitive pain receptors under the skin

  • Prevents and/or Relieves Muscle Spasms and Cramping – Enhanced circulation improves delivery of oxygen and nutrients to overused or fatigued muscles, helping to prevent or relieve spasms and cramps.

  • Reduced Swelling and Inflammation – Reduced pressure on the lymphatic drainage channels enhances removal of fluids and other materials that collect in an injured area.

  • Accelerated Recovery from Bruises and Contusions – One of the most dramatic effects of kinesiology taping is the removal of blood that accumulates under the skin due to bruising.

RecoveryKeahny Boers