Treatment Pre and Post Pregnancy

At Osteopathic Works we provide a wonderful, subtle treatment approach during pregnancy, for new mothers, their babies and children.

At Osteopathic Works our Osteopaths understand the progressive changes that occur to a pregnant women’s body to allow for the developing child. Difficulties may arise as the ligaments soften, spinal curves adapt and the centre of gravity shifts.

Some of the common musculoskeletal pregnancy-related symptoms Osteopaths may assist with include back and pelvic pain or discomfort, sciatica, indigestion and breathing difficulties.

Our Osteopaths can assess your body pre-pregnancy to interpret whether there are any underlying restrictions. Many pregnant women will continue the regular advice and treatment from our Osteopaths even if they are not experiencing difficulties, to ensure continuing comfort and preparation for their labour and delivery.

Post-natal treatment

The female spine and pelvis are vulnerable to lasting strains from the forces during pregnancy and childbirth, despite the delivery type. Osteopathy can assist in treating these strains and imbalances to minimise lasting concerns.

Caring for a new baby also places subsequent demands on your body which may result in aches and pains. Feeding, disrupted sleep, pushing prams, carrying your baby and reaching over a cot can place enormous strain on certain areas of your body. Our Osteopathic treatment includes assessing your individual needs, giving exercise advice and pain management. This will help you to relax while enjoying time with your baby.
